
I am a Ph.D. student studying physical oceanography with Dr. LuAnne Thompson. My research interests include air-sea interaction, climate variability, and ocean heat content variability, as well as data science and community science. I use satellite observations to study air-sea heat exchange on monthly and seasonal timescales in order to understand the relative roles of oceanic and atmospheric processes in renewing upper ocean heat content. A journal publication on this research is in preparation. I recently started research on predicting and tracking marine heatwaves with funding from the Graubard Fellowship in the Program on Climate Change.

In addition to conducting research, I have served as a member of the Program on Climate Change Graduate Steering Committee (P-GraSC), a leader of the Actionable Community-Oriented Research Engagement (ACORN) program, and an organizer of the Graduate Climate Conference. I am interested in the impacts of climate change and the role of community science in climate adaptation and mitigation.

Before coming to the University of Washington in September 2019, I earned a B.A. in Physics from Carleton College in June 2019. I earned my M.S. in Oceanography in January 2023.